Friday, November 1, 2013

Conference Center experience

Dear Family and Friends,

I received tonight this letter on e-mail and wanted to share it with you.  I gave this man a tour of the conference center yesterday in Salt Lake City,. I was so impressed with him and his desire to learn.  It was a great thrill for me to introduce the Book of Mormon to him and to bear my testimony about this great book.  I was also privileged to share with him the story of the restoration of the gospel and again bear my testimony.   I could feel the spirit so strong.

I wanted to share with you the letter I received today from this great man.  I hope that the missionaries can continue to teach him.   I am so grateful to be a missionary and the great experiences that I have each week.

Mom, Grandma, Lavona Richardson

     Mrs. Richardson,
  My name is David Stanton and you gave me my tour of the conference center on Wednesday.  I wanted to thank you for your kindness and enthusiasm in sharing a wonderful building and your faith with me.  I have been most impressed by my visit to Salt Lake.  I want you to know I went to the Deseret book store and purchased a copy of the Book of Mormon and look forward to reading it.  I think too often we as people focus on the divisions between us.  This is especially true when it comes to faith.  I am grateful for the opportunity to have met you and the other kind people of faith I have had the pleasure to meet on my visit here.

  I want to tell you again how much your enthusiasm and joy made me feel very welcome as you took me through the tour.  I spent ten years in the US Army.  I spent a year in Saudi Arabia and a year in Korea.  I have lived in Arkansas, Texas, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Wyoming, and South Dakota during my life.  In all of my travels I have never been more impressed by a place or the people in it than I have been with Salt Lake City and the good people I met.  I have been told by many people that I must remember that there are bad people everywhere, but I choose to focus instead on the fact that there are good people everywhere.  There are no better anywhere than the Mormon people of Faith, including you that I had the pleasure to meet this week.  As a Catholic I am first a follower of Jesus Christ who seeks to reflect His goodness and to live as He commanded.  We share that belief and I recognized in you and the other kind people I met the hearts of followers of Christ.  I hope to come again, and if I do I hope that I can come say hello to you at the conference center.

Thank you again for your kindness and your time,

In Christ,


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